Please check your studio page for your standard schedule, any updates to schedules are listed below
March 24 - United Irish Meeting Night - Altered Schedule
4:45 - 5:15 Jump'n Jig Ages 2 - 3
5:15 - 5:45 Jump'n Jig Ages 3 - 4
5:45 - 7:15 Beginner Adults 18+, Bun Grad Ullmhuchan class, Advanced Adults
7:30 United Irish Meeting
8:15 Teacher Meeting (this will likely start earlier pending United Irish meeting.
Standard Schedule
10:000- 10:30
Jump' n Jig
10:30 - 11:00
New Beginners Ages 5 - 17
11:-00 - 11:45
Advanced Beginners
11:45 - 12:15
Beginner Hard Shoe
12:15 - 1:00
Team & Group Dances
1:00 - 1:45
Ullmhuchan and Up Including Adults/Advanced - Prelim Dancers
Classes are held on Thursdays @ 4:30 - 5:15 at the Fort Wayne Parks and Rec at 233 W Main St,
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Spring Session Runs
March 20 - May 8
Sign up now: ONLINE
or you can call 260-427-000.
Hey amazing dance parents & chauffeurs
!Heads up! The Shamrock Club next door is hosting a big event this Wednesday and next Wednesday, which means parking is going to be a bit of an adventure.
Here’s the game plan:
Pull up to the top of the alley to drop off your dancer.
Parking lot navigation:
If you do enter the lot,
drive to the farthest entrance, loop around, and exit—OR just head back up the alley.
I’ll bring the dancers out to the top of the alley when class is over. Please let your dancers know that we will be exiting the studio as a group.
No waiting in the parking lot for class to end—it’ll be too packed!
Thanks for your cooperation, and let’s keep things running smoothly!
Level Up Classes are being offered at the Dayton Studio on March 28 and March 30. If you have leveled out of a dance or need to learn new material for any reason, this is the place to do it. There isn't time in the group classes to work with an individual dancer on steps just for them.
Level classes are $15 per dancer per class
March 28
5:45 - 6:15 Level 2
6:15- 6:45 Level 3
6:45 - 7:15 Level 4
March 30
2:00 - 2:30 Level 2
2:30 - 3:00 Level 3
3:00 - 3:30 Level 4
Studio Rules & Etiquette Reminder
Dancers should come to class prepared with both pair so of shoe (if applicable)
Appropriate clothing that allows them to move freely - no denim, no jeggings
Please bring your own water bottles. Beverages are not provided at any of the studios
Check out our full list of studio rules and expectations here: Studio Rules & Expectations
May2, 3, 4 - A World A'fair
Sign Up Sheet
Presale Tickets Link (for non dancers and non volunteers)
Use Country Code Ireland
All performers practice will be held at the Dayton studio on April 25, 26 and 27
April 5, 2025
Birdy Open Feis (Open Platform)
Northville MI
Feb 15 & 16, 2025
CRN North American Open Championships
St. Louis MO
Oct. 12 & 13, 2024
CRN West Region Championships
St. Louis MO
Dec. 7, 2024
Shamrock Christmas Feis
Champain IL
Copyright McGovern Irish Dance 1999. All Rights Reserved.